Quotes From "Tricked" By Kevin Hearne

Look, I don't know what you are, but you're more than a geologist, if you are one at all. I've met lots of geologists on different projects like this, and they're all tiny sunburned men with fetishes for geodes. They wear floppy hats and carry baggies for soil samples around with them.. And geologists don't make rocks disappear like you did the other night. They keep them and build little shrines to them. Kevin Hearne
No matter how old I get, I keep running into people who are smarter, nobler, and kinder. I really ought to start listening to them and telling my pride to shut up. I had gods tell me not to go to Asgard. I had witches tell me not to go to Flagstaff. You told me this plan wouldn't work. But I barreled ahead anyway for my own reasons. I still have plenty of growing to do. Kevin Hearne
Druids were supposed to be forces of preservation, not destruction, and I could not dance around the fact that my stupid pride had turned me into a misbegotten cockwaffle. Kevin Hearne
The essence of Druidry is training the mind to both handle contradictory input and construct contradictory out Kevin Hearne